Rao Fu
Interview of Rao Fu in his studio in Dresden
Interview of Rao Fu in his studio in Dresden
Margaux Brugvin presents Park In-kyung’s work and career for Paris Musées video series “Exceptionnelles”.
Interview with the French artist Sarah Jérôme.
Documentary directed by Sabine Vazieux in 2015
Solo Show in Paris 2021
Directed by Régine de Lapize & Christophe Soupirot
Documentary directed by Sabine Vazieux in 2015
Solo exhibition in Paris, Oh Se-Yeol – Ingenious genius
Great master of abstraction, his works, imbued with Buddhist spirituality, lead us to meditation.
Interview with Chinese artist Chuang Che, pioneer of abstraction
Interview with the Chinese artist Hsiao Chin, abstract painter and member of the avant-garde movement, Ton Fan.
A look back at the exhibition, From China to Taiwan, the pioneers of abstraction.
This exhibition, produced in collaboration with Galerie Vazieux, was held at the Musée d’Ixelles in Belgium in 2017.