A-Sun Wu
A painter and sculptor, A-Sun Wu (吳炫三) draws his inspiration from his travels around the world, and particularly from primitive art. Born in Taiwan in 1942, he grew up in the Northeast Taiwanese countryside, living near the aboriginal tribes of the mountains. From the 1970s, he set off on a nomadic life, travelling to Paris, New York, Spain, Africa, Amazonia, Indonesia and South Pacific Islands. His discovery of other continents, and mainly of the traditional arts of Africa, became a major source of inspiration and profoundly changed his own visual language. From there, he found his personal style, incorporating Chinese philosophy with the expressionistic forms favoured by African artworks. Now a renowned international artist, A-Sun Wu has been living and working between Paris and Taipei since the 1990s.
Personal exhibitions
—2022 – Chaleur : île du sud, Spot Handcraft Gallery, Taiwan
– Venant de la jungle austronésienne, Vallois Gallery, Paris, France
– Exclusive exhibition for the 70th anniversary of café Astoria, Café Astoria Taipei, Taiwan
– Transgression d’encre sauvage, Exhibition of contemporary Chinese Ink painting of A-Sun Wu, National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan
– Cultivateur Céramique – langage renouvelé : exposition solo des sculptures céramiques d’A-Sun Wu, Spot Handcraft Gallery, Taiwan
– Expédition─Retour : Solo Exhibition of A-Sun WU, Yilan Museum, Yilan,Taiwan
– The explosive power of the primitive – Experimental Forest of National University of Taiwan, Nantou, Taiwan
2018 – Tao, loi de la conception : exposition de la création de l’univers, Fo Guang Yuan Main Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiiwan
– A-SUN WU Solo Exhibition, Voyage Au Bout Du Monde, Modern Art Gallery, Taiwan Modern Art Gallery,Taiwan
– Encre sauvage, Baudoin Lebon 8 Gallery, Paris, France
– Exposition rétrospective d’A-Sun WU : Instinct‧Memory‧Primitive energy, National Taiwan Museum of Fine arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2017 – Touquet-Paris-Plage, France
– Art Center La Chapelle, France
– Sunny Art Museum, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2016 – Vallois Gallery, Paris, France
2015 – Taylor Foundation, Paris, France
– Arki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
– Temple Xingtian Gong, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 – Maison des Arts, Paris, France
– Institut Xue-Xue, Taïpei, Taïwan
– National Park Yangmingshan, Taipei, Taiwan
– National Gallery, Dominican Republic
2013 – Momentum Art Gallery, Belgium
– Friedman Vallois Gallery, New York, USA
– Local council Art Gallery of Contemporary Art
– Giovanni de Gaeta, Gaeta, Italy
2012 – Art Center of Taichung Harbour, Taiwan
– baudoin lebon gallery, Paris, France
2011 – Park of Cultural and Creative Industry, Taichung, Taiwan
2010 – Cultural Center of Taichung, Taichung, Taiwan
– Cultural Center of Hualian, Hualian, Taiwan
– Cultural Center of Yilan, Yilan, Taiwan
2009 – Russian National Museum (Marble Palace), St. Petersburg, Russia
2008 – Tie Times Art Gallery, Beijing, China
– Arts Center Beijing Bridge, Beijing, China
2007 – Sapone Gallery, Nice, France
2005 – Vallois Gallery, Paris, France
2004 – Ming-Yuan Gallery, Shanghai, China
– Museum Sun Yat-Sen, Taipei, Taiwan
2003 – Antonio Sapone Foundation, Bellona, Italy
2002 – National Gallery, Principality of Andorre
2000 – Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris, France
– Paul Valéry Museum, Sète, France
1996 – National Gallery Chung-Shan, Taipei, Taiwan
1994 – Lan-Kwai-Fong Gallery, Hong Kong
– Notices Gallery, Singapor
1993 – Winner Gallery, Chicago, USA
1992 – Hakone Open Air Museum, Japan
Groups exhibitions
—2019 – Art Elysées, Baudouin Lebon Gallery, Paris, France
– Exposition annuelle Art en Capital, Grand Palais, Paris, France
2018 – Primitif‧Moderne‧Intégral—Retour du nomade Vers la mode : presentation of designers’ works, Yilan Museum, Yilan,Taiwan
– Annual Exhibition Art en Capital, Grand Palais, Paris, France
2017 – Exclusive exhibition of A-Sun WU and Paloma CHANG : Paris – Cotonou – Paris, Vallois Gallery, Paris, France
– Annual Exhibition Art en Capital, Grand Palais, Paris, France
– Un regard désinhibé, Exhibition of Pablo PICASSO’s ceramic works, Hans HARTUNG, Manfred BORSI, A-Sun WU et Paloma CHANG, National Taiwan Craft research and development institute, Taipei, Taiwan
– Foire Art Elysées, – Galerie Baudoin Lebon, Paris, France
2016 – Exposition trio : MOUVEMENTS -Paloma CHANG, A-Sun WU et PSYCOFFI, – Centre Arts et Cultures de Cotonou, Cotonou, République populaire du Bénin
– Exposition Duo- A-Sun WU et Paloma CHANG : Légende du sauvage vs. Mythe du bleu et blanc, – Galerie Vallois, Paris, France