Group Show
12-14 May 2023
—Group Show
Taipei Dangdai 2023
Galerie Vazieux is delighted to come back to Taipei Dangdai and present a group show dedicated to his- torical artists from the Taiwanese and Chinese diaspora : Chuang Che, Fong Chung-Ray, Hu Chi-Chung, Chen Ying-Teh, Li Shuang and A-Sun Wu.
Galerie Vazieux 很高興重返「台北當代」藝術博覽會,並且隆重呈獻一個以具歷史定位的台灣和中國海外藝術家 為主軸的群展:莊喆、馮鍾睿、胡奇中、陳英德、李爽和吳炫三。
Chuang Che 莊喆
Chen Ying-Teh 陳英德
Fong Chung-Ray 馮鍾睿
Li Shuang 李爽
A-Sun Wu 吳炫三